Updates are frequent and are announced on the N1MM Logger reflector. The country file used by the program is WL_CTY.DAT which also needs to be put in the C:\User\]\Documents\N1MM Logger+\SupportFiles Directory. The master.scp file does not have to be uploaded to your database, but check the Associated Files tab in the Contest Setup dialog for the contest you plan to operate, to make sure that the correct master file will be used. A good strategy is to download the zipped file containing all of the variants, and extract them into your C:\User\]\Documents\N1MM Logger+\SupportFiles directory. You can download it from the author’s web site. This file comes in several different versions.
N1mm logger updates update#
The update will be announced on the N1MM Logger reflector and on CQ-Contest. The master.scp file(super check partial, by another name) is used in common by all major contest logging programs, and is updated shortly before major contests. Should I update every version, or is the latest update enough? Often, we will have fixed a problem, particularly one involving multipliers or scoring in a given contest, even before you report it.
N1mm logger updates install#
If you report a problem with an earlier release, our first response will likely be to ask you to install the latest version and test with that. You need not be concerned about uninstalling. You can always re-install a last previous version, unless that is explicitly warned against – which is very rare.

Typically, we keep at least 6 months’ worth of prior versions in the “Latest Updates” under the Files menu of the web site. If it is not, the best strategy will be for you to revert to the last previous version. If the change is important to successful use in that contest, we will make every effort to fix it in time for a re-release before the weekend. Much less frequently, we hope, a change made in the latest release will cause a problem affecting the upcoming contest. Sometimes, a change published on Tuesday will be important for a contest on the coming weekend. We have a firm policy of slowing down the pace of development before major contests, and avoiding risky changes that may have undesirable side-effects.

If you wait a day or two, and there is no uproar on the reflector, you should be fine, because hundreds, if not thousands, of people will have downloaded and tried it already. The N1MM Logger team has implemented the concept of “agile development.” What this means, for the user, is that you should generally plan to use the latest release.