Later the font was redrawn by Adrian Frutiger. What is more It has also become an industry standard for all screenplays to be written in 12 point Courier.

Courier was designed by Howard "Bud" Kettler in 1955 and it soon became a standard font used throughout the typewriter industry. The reason for such an argument you could find in the history of the font.

The masters in making this kind of food for sure are crazy writers and computer nerds. If Courier New would be a taste we would discover it in a truly simple dish - a sandwich. This way is much healthier, more authentic and very easy to make! Yes, this diet bogey man, terrifying us with all the curses of E, can be made by yourself at home. So, we were more interested in a homemade mayonnaise production. It is not very interesting to prepare a tongue, you can simply buy one already smoked. What is more - the tongue is a true symbol of the philology profession! So that is how the decision for the recipe was made. And finally even clapped our hands when w e undersood that he most adored canteen dish of the lithuanian philology specialists is a beef tongue with mayonnaise. We were puzzling out for quite some time what dish could be made under this name. Clear diacritic marks put where needed and made as clear as possible – just perfect to illustrate our language! Palemonas was created in occasion of 100 years of recovery of lithuanian press. This is because this lithuanian nationality font created in six people team (led by Vladas Tumasonis) was meant to satisfy special lithuanian language needs.

If the original lithuanian font Palemonas would be a taste, it would remind us of a very lithuanian profession – the lithuanian philology specialist.